Developing Phonemic Awareness with CardEd

As previously discussed, proficient reading encompasses 5 core elements – phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.  (National Reading Panel, 2000). 

In the coming posts, we will examine how CardEd can be used to support some of these elements, beginning with phonemic awareness.

Using CardEd to Support Phonemic Awareness

Children must be enabled to manipulate phonemes within words. A good basis on which to start is using CardEd to support syllabication and for rhyming activities. Thereafter, work on enabling the child to identify, delete, substitute, and transpose phonemes.

Our comprehensive CardEd Activity Guide outlines precisely how to develop each of these facets of phonemic awareness. As you know, each CardEd card features a Word Zone; 200 Word Zones offers huge scope for phonemic awareness activities!


CardEd Sets 1 and 4 work best for syllabication activities. Here are some activities to try:

•When presented with a word, e.g. parrot, can the child count the syllables using clapping, finger/pencil tapping, foot stamping etc.?

•When presented with a word, e.g. Amazon, can the child segment the syllables Am-a-zon?

•Upon hearing syllables presented with a slight pause between them, e.g., farm/er, can the child blend them and provide the word?

•When given a word, e.g. fireproof, can the child isolate the first or second syllable?  Can they apply this skill to words with more syllables?  (Note: CardEd Set 3 compound word cards are useful for this task).

Rhyming Activities

CardEd Set 2 has been designed to support the development of auditory and visual discrimination.

Auditory Discrimination: Read the words and have the child identify the odd-one-out. Can they explain why?

Visual Discrimination: Have the child study the words and identify the odd-one-out. Can they explain why?


•Can the child create a list of rhyming words for the odd-one-out?  Can they think of other words that follow the pattern of the list given?

Phoneme Identification (Sets 1/2/3/4)

Use the Word Zone on any CardEd card to assess the child’s ability to identify phonemes.  Assess:

•Can the child identify initial sounds?  What does boat begin with?

•Can the child identify final sounds?  What sound is at the end of boat?

•Can the child identify medial sounds?  What sound can you hear in the middle of boat?

Phoneme Deletion (Sets 1/2/3/4)

Use the Word Zone on any CardEd card to assess the child’s ability to delete phonemes.  Assess:

•Can the child delete the initial sound of a word?  Say box.  Now say box without the /b/.

•Can the child delete the final sound of a word? Say dab. Now say dab without the /b/.

•Can the child delete the medial sound of a word?  Say blow.  Now say blow without the /l/.

Phoneme Substitution (Sets 1/2/3/4)

Use the Word Zone on any CardEd card to assess the child’s ability to substitute phonemes.  Assess:

•Can the child substitute the initial sound in the word?  Say play but change the /p/ to /c/.

•Can the child substitute the final sound?  Say chin but change the /n/ to /p/.

•Can the child substitute the medial sound?  Say  trip but change the /i/ to /a/.

Phoneme Transposition (Sets 1/2/3/4)

Use the Word Zone on any CardEd card to assess the child’s ability to transpose phonemes.  Assess:

•Can the child reverse the sequence of sounds in a word? Reverse the sounds in ban.  What new word do you make? Nab.

Strong phonemic awareness is a good predictor of reading and spelling success. Why not try the above CardEd activities to support its development with your young learner(s)?

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